Catalyst Quotes

Compiled by Alex Pena ~ ‘Catalyst’: “to spark, to ignite, energize, mobilize; something that accelerates a reaction (DDI)." Thought-provoking & motivational quotes and stories for you to read, reflect on and move forward in making creative and positive changes in your life.

“Choose Your Glasses Very Carefully; Attitude is Everything”


“A few years ago I ran into an old acquaintance that I hadn’t seen for awhile.  Our short conversation confirmed just why I hadn’t seen him in awhile – and wouldn’t see him again soon if I could help it.  I started off with, “Hey Phil. How’s it going?”  His response was, “Oh, you know; same crap, different day.”  His expletive-laced language was much spicier than that, but you get the picture.   He then proceeded to proudly pile up the most recent crap in his life and invited me to wallow in it with him. 

Our world does have an abundance of crap.  There’s lots of injustice, inequality, and unfairness.  The crap that hits the fan in life is often not evenly distributed.  But we get to decide whether to stand in it or not.  We decide if we want today to be crappy or happy.  If we walk around with our “crap glasses” on, we’ll see lots of it.  The more crap we look for, the more crap we see.  The more crap we see, the more we look for.  My friend, fellow performance improvement author/speaker, and psychologist, Peter Jensen calls this ‘opticalrectumitis,’ which he loosely translates as ‘having a shi…(crappy) outlook on life.’”   (Jim Clemmer)



“My father-in-law uses an expression, ‘Attitude is everything.’  It’s his non-confrontational way of saying, ‘Stop complaining.’  When my father-in-law says, ‘Attitude is everything,’ it isn’t just an admonition — it’s a prescription.  Right now, we are experiencing a massive explosion of creativity  (and change) … . 

Businesses (and businesspeople) that can find the excitement in that have a fighting chance of surviving the transition and thriving.  Those who choose to fight the future and pretend the old ways are coming back, well, you may be the subject of your own TV series one day.  But it’s likely to be on the History Channel.”   (Robert Safian, Fast Company Magazine)



“I used to say, “I sure hope things will change.

Then I learned that the only way things are going to change for me is when I change.”    (Jim Rohn)


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