Catalyst Quotes

Compiled by Alex Pena ~ ‘Catalyst’: “to spark, to ignite, energize, mobilize; something that accelerates a reaction (DDI)." Thought-provoking & motivational quotes and stories for you to read, reflect on and move forward in making creative and positive changes in your life.

Archive for the category “Introduction”

Why “Catalyst Quotes”?

As part of training programs that I’ve done, one of the modules that I used was by DDI (Development Dimensions International) and it focused on the leader as a “catalyst.”  Their definition of catalyst is “something that sparks an action.”

By reading the quotes and/or stories that I share with you, I hope to “spark” some action on your part after reading the quote and reflecting on what you are doing or thinking about at the present time.  Will the quote or story spark some kind of action on your part to do something different?  Hopefully, what you do will bring about some positive action and create a better environment for you and those around you.

We all should understand that each and every action that we do sends out ‘ripple effects’ on everyone around us.  Whether it is something we say or our body language, those around us will react and the ripple effects continue.  Be aware of what you say and what you do.  It is difficult at times but remember, you create your own environment.  How you react to things around you will determine what kind of reaction you will have.  Will it be positive or negative?

Now, as Peter Drucker said:  “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”  So, “let’s go make a dent in the universe.”  (Steve Jobs)

Be a Catalyst!

Hello World!

This is my first blog on Catalyst Quotes and I am excited about joining all the other bloggers! 

It is said that you can tell much about a person by the company he keeps.  At times, the companions or company that I keep are the quotations or stories that you’ll see on this blog.  They help me ponder and meditate on what is going on in my life or at work and they also help me steer myself in the right direction.  At my previous jobs as an HR Manager, I sent out many of the quotes you’ll see to the management teams where I worked at but then word spread and others were asking to be on the mailing list and not just managers. 

My intent with this site is to provide you with a variety of motivational and/or thought-provoking quotes or stories that you can use at your work or in your daily life.  As Montaigne said, “I quote others only in order the better to express myself.”  I “use” others quotes to get a message across.  You may get it at times; sometimes, you may need to read it over.  Some of the quotes’ authors are famous; some are not.  Instead of looking at who said it, reflect on the words being said although the quote is more significant because of who the author is.  

I hope these quotes or stories (companions) will tug at your heart, feed your conscience and soothe your soul. I know they have done that for me.

Have a terrific day!

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